What is



Collaborative Genius is a mental model that challenges the way we work, the solutions we create, and the systems we envision.

It is based on the premise that our infinitely unique lived experiences cause each of us to know something that others do not. It’s beyond either conformity or the “rock star” archetype.

If applied in the right way, you and your team can use Collaborative Genius to turn your projects into real value.

What does it look like in practice?

This depends on the situation, but the practical foundation includes research and workshops. Two words with many possible meanings. Hint: they’re more than just sticky notes.

But Angela, we’ve tried workshops and they were terrible
— UX Designer

Although designers are pre-disposed to being great workshoppers, we’re not great workshoppers just because we’re designers.

When Photoshop first came on the scene, it lowered the barrier to entry for design as well. But it didn’t automatically make people good designers.

What does make good workshops?


A good workshop uses a framework, much like the double diamond. There must be structure and space to efficiently collect information, choose a direction, create solutions, and commit to a possible future.


If you don’t have the right people in the room, you don’t have Collaborative Genius. Solving real organizational problems requires more than the same five designers and reluctant engineers as always.


Cognitively, we can perceive patterns in large datasets when we visualize them. This is why charts and graphs are common. This is also the original reason for the use of sticky notes in design thinking, a point which is often missed.

But Angela, how can you help us if you don’t already work on/in our product/service/industry
— UX Manager

I have successfully worked as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies in industries I had never even heard of before. I still provided immense value because I follow a framework and a set of principles that bring out the value in YOU and YOUR TEAM. I am not here to have all of the answers. I am here to elicit the Collective Genius that can occur when we truly work together.

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If what I’m saying resonates with you, I invite you to reach out and learn more.