Mount Rose Alchemy

Mount Rose Alchemy is a self-care and beauty product brand aimed at celebrating the magical. Founded by an academic and activist, the target market is the busy activist who craves more self-care time. The brand appeals to an alternative aesthetic while promoting a connection to one’s inner nature.

The product is hand-crafted with care and was immediately well-received in the market. As sales increased and resellers began reaching out to Mount Rose Alchemy for partnership, brand and packaging design was a crucial missing component. However, the brand was still young, and associated assets needed to successfully accommodate a DIY lifestyle.

The Goal

Develop a brand and design system for Mount Rose Alchemy that leadership could “take and run with.”

My Role

Chief Brand Designer and Illustrator


I tapped into the flow of nature by going back to the elemental basics of watercolors, paper, and my own hands. I channeled the symbolism of the passing phases of the moon to remind the overburdened activist of the promise and hope of the ever-changing nature of existence, bringing them back to the present moment in their own self-care.


How I applied Peter Morville’s User Experience Honeycomb to a Self-Service Brand Design.

  1. Useful: the artwork was made digital using Adobe Illustrator and converted to templates that are easily manipulated using Canva. This empowers the client to create different products under the brand as desired, at any time

  2. Usable: the labels can be applied to a variety of different products because there are several shapes available, and the logo is customized to easily fit any shape

  3. Findable: all label information is in hierarchical order

  4. Credible: an elegant label that implies professionalism, investment, and cleanliness

  5. Desirable: conveys the elegance of the product, the organic ingredients, and the relaxing luxury of the experience of using the product

  6. Accessible: strong contrast and readability from far distances, regardless of one's ability to perceive colors

Mount Rose Alchemy has seen over 800 units of product sold in the past year, and continues to grow.

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Research and Website Building for UCSC Genomics Institute


Brand Design and Website Building for Konstrukt Consulting